Charity Resources

Sometimes even coupons can't help you get out of tough times. When your car needs new tires or you've fallen behind on rent, the bill collectors don't accept paper coupons as payment. Here are a few of my favorite resources that we've had to use when we've seen hard times.

Modest Needs is a wonderful online organization to help families with a specific need. Many people live paycheck to paycheck and one unexpected expense can send them spiraling into poverty. You can apply for help at Modest Needs. You must be able to prove that you have an income and a legitimate need. Be prepared to send in several papers that verify your case. It is 100% legitimate, but the burden of proof is on you. If you can spare $5 a month or more this is a good way to spread the love and help someone out!

Find your local foodbank : It never hurts to admit you need some extra help and head to the local food bank. Free is free and what better place than the food bank? Also sometimes certain food banks will help families give Christmas presents to their children. I also know that a lot of couponers get extra items and keep them for years in our pantries. It may be easy to consider donating to your local food bank!

The Salvation Army, The Red CrossUnited Way will help you pay rent once if you qualify. You need to call 1 month ahead of the month you need covered and ask for help. Also, The Red Cross helps you specifically with disaster relief. They provide food, shelter, and clothing to those in need after a fire, hurricane, flood and other natural disasters. Call them right away for help if you experience any of these. 

Toys For Tots  is available to help children of families in need participate in Christmas. If you need help getting your child/ren gifts please request a toy. If you can donate any toys, please find your nearest drop off location to donate! 12/08/2012 IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR TOYS FOR TOTS!